Our mission is to provide opportunities to raise the level of knowledge in the numerous disciplines of medical lasers. By expanding knowledge, we will ultimately enhance the usage of medical lasers and improve their application.
The American Institute of Medical Laser Applications (AIMLA) is recognized as a national leader in laser education and ethics. AIMLA prides itself in the adherence to outcome-based laser medicine and provides certifications for technology demonstrating reproducible evidence-based outcomes via laser technology.

ON DEMAND Now Available - Register Today!
Price: $359.95
Tuition Sale!
There has never been a better time to start your Laser Therapy Training!
For a limited time only, AIMLA is offering up to 65% off the tuition fee on select online Laser Therapy Training courses.
Purchase 2 or more eligible courses at once and save $25 per course! Just add them to your cart and the discount will be applied automatically. Eligible courses are indicated with the icon.
The discount automatically applies if you purchase 2 or more of the same course. After placing your order, you will recieve an access code that will allow each of your clinic participants to self-enroll without having to provide payment information. The account making the purchase will not be enrolled in the course.
If you want to mix and match eligible courses, please contact the AIMLA Office at 937-642-9813 to place your order.